For a good long-lasting preservation we recommend the following wahing instruction:

Machine wash in cool water useing gentle cycle.
Use neutral or mild detergent, that does not contain any bleaching agents such as chlorine or peroxide. Yhunle dry for 5 to 7 minutes on low settings only.
Remove and press while damp.

This will help maintain the luster and lifespan of your fine linens. Overdrying is the most harmful process for the linens. Line drying is also a good option when possibile. All emroidered items should be ironed on the reverse side or between two pieces of cloth. After washing, it si very important to rinse the soap residue owt with plenty of cold water immediately. Never wet or damp emroidered items on top of another. Do not spin dry or wring out embellished goods. Wash embroidered items separately and add salt to the water.
Linen fabric and quilts can be cared fo as above.
Comforters with cording and matalassè coverlets are dry clean only. Silk linens may be drycleaned, hand washed, or machine washed on a gentle cycle.

Please line dry when possibile. Cotton is a very durable fabric and can withstand many conditions. Cotton clothes, sheets and tablecloths can be washed on reagular cycles and hold-up to strong detergents.

For a good long-lansting preservations we recommend to following washing instructions:
Machine wash in cool water using gentle cycle.
Use neutral or mild detergent, that does not contain any bleaching agents such as chlorine and peroxide. Thumble dry for 5 to 7 minuts on low setting only.
Remove and press while damp.

Thi will help maintain the luster and lifespan of your fine linens. Overdring is the most harmful process for fine linens. Line drying is also a good option when possible.
All embroidered items should be ironed on the reverse side or between two pieces of cloth. After washing, it is very importanto to rinse the soap residue out with plenty of cold water immediately.

Never leave wet or damp embroidered items on top of another. Do not spin dry o wring out embellished goods.
Wash embroidered items separately and add salt to the water.
Linens fabric and quilts can be cared for as above.
Comforters with cording and matelassè coverlets are dry clean only. Silk linens may be drycleaned, hand wahed, or machine washed on a gentle cycle.

Please line dry when possibile. Cotton i very durable fabric and can withstand many conditions. Cotton clothes, sheets and tablecloths can be washed on regular cycles and hold-up to strong detergents.



White wine is always easiest and will usually come out during a soapy washing in hot water. Red wine is a different story, try sprinkling salt on the stain floowed by soaking the linen in cold water. If the stain remains rub it out with more salt then wash. Also soaking a stain with club soda and water will often remove it.


Probably, if serving, you wont be able to treat these stains before they aredry, to treat dy stains, use a mix of one part glycerine, and one parto woter to loosen the stain. Another way to get out tougher stains on tougher fabrics is to strech the fabric over a bwlo and pour boiling water through it from about 2 or 3 feet high untilthe stain disappears.


For delicate linens try sponging them with warm water while ringing out the sponge ofter. For you tougher linens, try putting dry borax on the stain and then washing in cold water.


Take a wet stain and spinke it with salt and the rub the stain with a damp soapy sponge. Then wait a few hours and rinse. Another way to get out tougher stains on tougher fabrics is to stretch the fabric over a bowl and pour boiling water throught it form about 2 or 3 feet hight until the stain disappears. Try soaking in 1 part borax to 6 parts water. For Fruit, Coffee and Teas you can rub with alcohol, white vinegar and ammonia.


Always start removing a blood stain by using cold water, if you use hot water you will just "set" the stain. Wash as soon as you can with cold water and the form hard to get out stains soak the linen in salty cold water, then wash as usual. Rinse immediately in cold water.


Remove excess mstard or ketchup by scraping with a dull knife of blotting with paper towels. Sponge stain with cool water. Gently work a mild detergent into stain. Rinse in coool water. Apply a laundry stain remover. Wash and air dry.


Try to remove these stains while they are still fresh. Put baking soda on it and leave it for a few hours, then brush off baking soda and wash. Apply an absorbent such as talcum powder or cornstarch to the affected area, then brush away. If the stain si heavy or old, proceed to Step2, if fresh, skip to Step 3: 2. Place stain facedown on paper towels. Block back of stain with a dry-cleaning solvent. Relplace paper towels and they soak up the stain. 3. Spray with laundry pretreatment. 4. Wash in the hottest water that's safe for the garment. 5.Air dry.


Chill with ice and scrape away as much wax as you can with a dull knife. Plce a sheet of butcher paper, glossy side up, or a portion of a brown paper bag on the top of the wax. Press the tip of a warm iron gently over the affected area until the wax melts and attaches to the paper. Lift the paper form the fabric as it cools. Dab a small amount of denatured alcohol onto the stain if any andle dye remains on the fabric. Sponge with water. Wash the fabric as usual.


Wash and dry your washable lines before storing them.
Remove linens from dryer while still warm so they don’t wrinkle. If they’re already cool, put them back in the dryer and dry for a couple of minutes with a moist cloth.

For linens.
Store linens in a cool, dark and dry spot.
Use cotton, linen o muslin if storing your linens in a garment bag. Don’t use anything synthetic. Plce tags on your linens or on the shelves in your linen closet decribing the type and size of item you’re storing. Plce a lavender sachet with your linens to keep them smelling fresh. Rotate your linens every six months.

Don’t sotre your linens in anything plastic, cardboard or cedar. each emits fumes and acids that can stain or yellow your linens. Avoid storing linens in the bathroom, as the moisture will lead to mildewing.

Venice Home Collection S.r.l.

Via Calnova, 142/2
30027 San Donà di Piave (VE) - Italy

Phone+39 0421 222211
Fax+39 0421 222213
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